Hints & Suggestions
CSS is fundamentally different from other languages or design tools, built around a radical vision for contextual style and user-control. We’ll dig into the practical implications of that vision, and how the ‘grain’ of the language can guide us to more performant and resilient styles.

CodePen Demos
- Cascading HTML Style Sheets – a proposal, by Håkon Wium Lie
- Historical Style Sheet Proposals
- Line Mode Browser
- W3C Mission Statement
- World Wide Web Project
- WWW Browser Emulator
- HTML Constraints
- A Dao of Web Design, by John Allsopp
- www-talk “Re: Adobe’s PDF”, by Roy Smith
- CSS: It was twenty years ago today — an interview with Håkon Wium Lie, by Bruce Lawson
- Stylesheet Language, by Pei Y. Wei
- Request for comments: STYLESHEETS, by Rob Raisch
- Proposal for a language optimized for WWW delivery, by Jon Bosak
- W3C Platform Design Principles
- User Agent Style Sheets, collected by Jens Oliver Meiert
- Comic Papyrus, by Ben Harman
- Resilient, Declarative, Contextual, by Keith Grant
- CSS Values & Units