Organizing Conventions
There are many conventions for organizing CSS, but the best systems all share underlying principles based on CSS itself. What would it mean to use The Cascade as our guide for writing maintainable CSS?

CodePen Demos
- On branded CSS conventions by Chris Coyier
- CSS Systems by Natalie Downe
- Object Oriented CSS by Nicole Sullivan
- CUBE CSS by Andy Bell
- Style with Stateful, Semantic Selectors by Ben Myers
- Axiomatic CSS and
LobotomizedOwls by Heydon Pickering - Semantic CSS With Intelligent Selectors by Heydon Pickering
- Selectors specification
- User Agent Table Styles
- Inverted Triangle CSS by Harry Roberts
- Example layer orders on Mastodon
- About HTML semantics and front-end architecture by Nicolas Gallagher
- A Dao of Web Design by John Allsopp
- Be The Browser’s Mentor, Not Its Micromanager by Andy Bell
- Resilient, Declarative, Contextual by Keith J. Grant
- CSS Classes considered harmful by Keith Cirkel
- CSS Guidelines by Harry Roberts
- The Way We Talk About CSS by Rachel Andrew
- Block Element Modifier